yóu you

wander, roam, travel



遊 yóu
  • surname You
  • to swim
  • variant of 遊|游[you2]
  • to walk
  • to tour
  • to roam
  • to travel


蕩 yóu dàng to wander; to roam about; to loaf about; to be idle
藝 yóu yì entertainment
藝團 yóu yì tuán group of actors or acrobats at a fair; theatrical troupe
藝場 yóu yì chǎng place of entertainment
藝會 yóu yì huì folk festival; fair; carnival
行 yóu xíng march; parade; demonstration
街 yóu jiē to parade sb through the streets; to march or parade in the streets
街示眾 yóu jiē shì zhòng to parade (a prisoner) through the streets
覽 yóu lǎn to go sightseeing; to tour; to visit; CL:次[ci4]
覽區 yóu lǎn qū tourist regions; sightseeing area
記 yóu jì travel notes
說 yóu shuì to lobby; to campaign; to promote (an idea, a product); (old) to visit various rulers and promote one's political ideas (in the Warring States period)
說集團 yóu shuì jí tuán lobby group
走 yóu zǒu wandering; unfixed; to migrate
輪 yóu lún cruise ship
逛 yóu guàng to go sightseeing; to spend one's leisure time wandering around
隼 yóu sǔn (bird species of China) peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus); peregrine falcon
離 yóu lí to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component)
yuǎn yóu to travel far; distant wanderings
áo yóu to travel; to go on a tour; to roam
jiāo yóu to go for an outing; to go on an excursion
重歷舊 chóng lì jiù yóu to revisit; to return to a previously visited spot
yě yóu outing in the country; to go on a hike; to go courting
lù yóu Lu You (1125-1210), widely regarded as the greatest of the Southern Song poets
yún yóu to wander (typically of an errant priest)