yóu you

wander, roam, travel



遊 yóu
  • surname You
  • to swim
  • variant of 遊|游[you2]
  • to walk
  • to tour
  • to roam
  • to travel


業 lǚ yóu yè tourism industry
熱點 lǚ yóu rè diǎn a hot tourist attraction; a tourist trap
者 lǚ yóu zhě tourist; traveler; visitor
集散 lǚ yóu jí sàn tourism center or hub
網 yì yóu wǎng ezTravel, Taiwanese travel agency
chūn yóu spring outing; spring excursion
會獎旅 huì jiǎng lǚ yóu MICE tourism (acronym for "meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions"), aka "meetings industry" or "events industry"
zhuō yóu board game
權力的戲 quán lì de yóu xì Game of Thrones (TV series)
quán yóu Game of Thrones (TV series); abbr. for 權力的遊戲|权力的游戏[Quan2 li4 de5 You2 xi4]
qiú yóu to swim
piāo yóu drift
màn yóu to travel around; to roam; (mobile telephony) roaming
無業民 wú yè yóu mín unemployed person; vagrant; rogue
獎勵旅 jiǎng lì lǚ yóu incentive travel
huán yóu to travel around (the world, a country etc)
生態旅 shēng tài lǚ yóu ecotourism
皇家加勒比海輪公司 huáng jiā jiā lè bǐ hǎi yóu lún gōng sī Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
示威行 shì wēi yóu xíng (protest) demonstration
qiū yóu autumn outing; autumn excursion
wǎng yóu online game; abbr. for 網絡遊戲|网络游戏
續西記 xù xī yóu jì one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记
老殘記 lǎo cán yóu jì The Travels of Lao Tsan, novel by late Qing novelist Liu E 劉鶚|刘鹗[Liu2 E4]
聯機戲 lián jī yóu xì a network computer game
背包 bèi bāo yóu backpacking