
distant, remote, far; profound

HSK 2 #386


远 yuǎn
  • far
  • distant
  • remote
  • (intensifier in a comparison) by far
  • much (lower etc)
远 yuàn
  • to distance oneself from (classical)


远 stroke order diagram
远 stroke order animation


省 suí yuǎn shěng former Suiyuan province in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi
mián yuǎn remote
儿 rào yuǎn r the road twists here and there; to make a detour; to take a long way around
言近旨 yán jìn zhǐ yuǎn simple words with a profound meaning (idiom)
贱近 guì yuǎn jiàn jìn to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)
路途遥 lù tú yáo yuǎn distant; far-flung
yū yuǎn impractical
人 yuǎn rén an estranged person; sb who is alienated; people far from home
劳 yuǎn láo you have made a long and exhausting journey (套语 polite talk); you will make a long trip (when asking a favor that involves going to a far away place)
因 yuǎn yīn indirect cause; remote cause
地点 yuǎn dì diǎn apsis
大理想 yuǎn dà lǐ xiǎng lofty ideal
天 yuǎn tiān heaven; the distant sky
安 yuǎn ān Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
安县 yuǎn ān xiàn Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
客 yuǎn kè guest from afar
志 yuǎn zhì far-reaching ambition; lofty ideal; milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine
扬 yuǎn yáng (fame) spreads far and wide
方来鸿 yuǎn fāng lái hóng letter from afar (literary)
日点 yuǎn rì diǎn aphelion, the furthest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun; opposite: perihelion 近日點|近日点[jin4 ri4 dian3]; higher apsis
期合约 yuǎn qī hé yuē forward contract (finance)
未解决 yuǎn wèi jiě jué far from solved
东山雀 yuǎn dōng shān què (bird species of China) Japanese tit (Parus minor)
东树莺 yuǎn dōng shù yīng (bird species of China) Manchurian bush warbler (Horornis borealis)
东苇莺 yuǎn dōng wěi yīng (bird species of China) Manchurian reed warbler (Acrocephalus tangorum)