
cart, vehicle; carry in cart

HSK 1 #361


车 chē
  • surname Che
  • car
  • vehicle
  • CL:輛|辆[liang4]
  • machine
  • to shape with a lathe
  • Kangxi radical 159
车 jū
  • war chariot (archaic)
  • rook (in Chinese chess)
  • rook (in chess)


车 stroke order diagram
车 stroke order animation


皮 chē pí wagon; freight car
辙 chē zhé rut (of a wagon); track
黄包 huáng bāo chē rickshaw
场 sài chē chǎng motor racetrack; cycle racetrack
床 chē chuáng lathe
铃 chē líng bicycle bell
jūn chē military vehicle
熟路 qīng chē shú lù lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom); fig. to do sth routinely and with ease; a walk in the park
电瓶 diàn píng chē battery-powered vehicle
室 hòu chē shì waiting room (for train, bus etc)
bāo chē hired car; chartered car
独轮 dú lún chē wheelbarrow; unicycle
jiǎo chē winch; windlass
斗 chē dǒu open-topped container (mounted on a truck or cart) for carrying loads; dump box (of a dump truck); bucket (of a front loader); wheelbarrow
键 huí chē jiàn carriage return
yā chē to escort (goods) during transportation; to delay unloading (a truck, train etc)
直达 zhí dá chē through train (or bus)
guàn chē tanker truck; tanker wagon
鱼 fān chē yú ocean sunfish (Mola mola)
货柜 huò guì chē (Tw) container truck
水马龙 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom); heavy traffic
马 chē mǎ vehicles and horses
交通 jiāo tōng chē shuttle bus
大客 dà kè chē coach
平板 píng bǎn chē handcart; trolley; flatbed truck