
walk, go on foot; run; leave

HSK 2 #207


  • walk, go on foot
  • run
  • leave
  • to walk
  • to go
  • to run
  • to move (of vehicle)
  • to visit
  • to leave
  • to go away
  • to die (euph.)
  • from
  • through
  • away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3])
  • to change (shape, form, meaning)


走 stroke order diagram
走 stroke order animation


地雞 zǒu dì jī free-range chicken
好运 zǒu hǎo yùn to experience good luck
好運 zǒu hǎo yùn to experience good luck
娘家 zǒu niáng jiā (of a wife) to visit one's parental home
子 zǒu zǐ a move (in chess)
宝 zǒu bǎo to miss an opportunity (Cantonese)
寶 zǒu bǎo to miss an opportunity (Cantonese)
山 zǒu shān landslide; avalanche; to take a walk in the mountains
彎路 zǒu wān lù to take an indirect route; to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method
形 zǒu xíng out of shape; to lose shape; to deform
形儿 zǒu xíng r out of shape; to lose shape; to deform
形兒 zǒu xíng r out of shape; to lose shape; to deform
後門 zǒu hòu mén lit. to enter by the back door; fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels; back door or under the counter connections
心 zǒu xīn to take care; to be mindful; (Internet slang) to be moved by sth; poignant; to have deep feelings for sb; to lose one's heart to sb
扁带 zǒu biǎn dài slacklining
扁帶 zǒu biǎn dài slacklining
扇 zǒu shàn not closing properly (of door, window etc)
投無路 zǒu tóu wú lù to be at an impasse (idiom); in a tight spot; at the end of one's rope; desperate
掉 zǒu diào to leave
时 zǒu shí (of a watch or clock) to keep time; (physics) propagation time; travel time (of a wave)
時 zǒu shí (of a watch or clock) to keep time; (physics) propagation time; travel time (of a wave)
板 zǒu bǎn to be off the beat; to sound awful (of singing); (fig.) to wander off the topic; (diving) to step toward the end of the board; approach
桃花运 zǒu táo huā yùn to have luck with the ladies (idiom)
桃花運 zǒu táo huā yùn to have luck with the ladies (idiom)
樣 zǒu yàng to lose shape; to deform