
walk, go on foot; run; leave

HSK 2 #207


  • walk, go on foot
  • run
  • leave
  • to walk
  • to go
  • to run
  • to move (of vehicle)
  • to visit
  • to leave
  • to go away
  • to die (euph.)
  • from
  • through
  • away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3])
  • to change (shape, form, meaning)


走 stroke order diagram
走 stroke order animation


hǎo zǒu bon voyage; Godspeed
回头路 zǒu huí tóu lù to turn back; to backtrack; (fig.) to revert to the former way of doing things
jìng zǒu walking race (athletics event)
马上任 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task
飞檐壁 fēi yán zǒu bì to leap onto roofs and vault over walls (usually associated with martial arts)
东奔西 dōng bēn xī zǒu to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about; to hopscotch; also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1]
不胫而 bù jìng ér zǒu to get round fast; to spread like wildfire
卒 zǒu zú pawn (i.e. foot soldier); servant; lackey (of malefactor)
相告 bēn zǒu xiāng gào to spread the news (idiom)
jí zǒu to scamper; to scurry
弯路 zǒu wān lù to take an indirect route; to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method
形式 zǒu xíng shì to go through the formalities
江湖 zǒu jiāng hú to travel around the country (as itinerant peddler or entertainer)
兽 zǒu shòu (four-footed) animal; beast
私货 zǒu sī huò smuggled goods
马观花 zǒu mǎ guān huā lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing; fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information
穴 zǒu xué (of itinerant entertainers) to tour, playing in many venues
南闯北 zǒu nán chuǎng běi to travel extensively
味 zǒu wèi to lose flavor
嘴 zǒu zuǐ a slip of the tongue; to blurt out (a secret or stupid mistake)
读 zǒu dú to attend school as a day student
马灯 zǒu mǎ dēng lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节; fig. constant busy circulation of people
一条路到黑 yī tiáo lù zǒu dào hēi lit. to follow one road until dark (idiom); fig. to stick to one's ways; to cling to one's course
一條路到黑 yī tiáo lù zǒu dào hēi lit. to follow one road until dark (idiom); fig. to stick to one's ways; to cling to one's course
一条道到黑 yī tiáo dào zǒu dào hēi to stick to one's ways; to cling to one's course