HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 862nd character |
RADICAL | ⾙ (154.4) |
INDEX # | 1113 |
be defeated, decline, fail
- be defeated, decline, fail
- to defeat
- to damage
- to lose (to an opponent)
- to fail
- to wither

胜败 shèng bài | victory or defeat; result |
败北 bài běi | (literary) to be routed (in a war); to suffer defeat (in sports etc) |
败绩 bài jì | to be utterly defeated; to be routed |
败局 bài jú | lost game; losing battle |
败家子 bài jiā zǐ | spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal |
败落 bài luò | (of status or wealth) to decline; (of buildings etc) to become dilapidated; run-down; (of plants) to wilt |
败兴 bài xìng | disappointed |
功败垂成 gōng bài chuí chéng | to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure; to fall at the last hurdle; snatching defeat from the jaws of victory |
败仗 bài zhàng | lost battle; defeat |
败退 bài tuì | to retreat in defeat |
残兵败将 cán bīng bài jiàng | ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants |
伤风败俗 shāng fēng bài sú | offending public morals (idiom) |
败阵 bài zhèn | to be defeated on the battlefield; to be beaten in a contest |
骄兵必败 jiāo bīng bì bài | lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom); fig. pride goes before a fall |
不分胜败 bù fēn shèng bài | to not be able to distinguish who's winning |
不败之地 bù bài zhī dì | invincible position |
以失败而告终 yǐ shī bài ér gào zhōng | to succeed through failure; to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback |
倒败 dǎo bài | to collapse (of building) |
优胜劣败 yōu shèng liè bài | see 優勝劣汰|优胜劣汰[you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4] |
兵败如山倒 bīng bài rú shān dǎo | troops in defeat like a landslide (idiom); a beaten army in total collapse |
胜不骄,败不馁 shèng bù jiāo , bài bù něi | no arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat |
胜者王侯败者寇 shèng zhě wáng hóu bài zhě kòu | the winners become princes and marquises; the losers are vilified as bandits (idiom); history is written by the victors |
胜者王侯败者贼 shèng zhě wáng hóu bài zhě zéi | see 勝者王侯敗者寇|胜者王侯败者寇[sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 kou4] |
反腐败 fǎn fǔ bài | to oppose corruption; anti-graft (measures, policy etc) |
坐观成败 zuò guān chéng bài | to sit and await success or failure (idiom); to wait to see the outcome of a fight before taking sides; to sit on the fence |