property; wealth; capital


資 zī
  • resources
  • capital
  • to provide
  • to supply
  • to support
  • money
  • expense


hào zī to spend; expenditure; to cost
聚合訊訂閱 jù hé zī xùn dìng yuè RSS (news feeds)
股票投 gǔ piào tóu zī to invest in stock; to buy shares
股集 gǔ jí zī share issue
自然源 zì rán zī yuán natural resource
xīn zī salary
挹注 jiè zī yì zhù variant of 借資挹注|借资挹注[jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4]
róng zī financing
裙帶本主義 qún dài zī běn zhǔ yì crony capitalism
計件工 jì jiàn gōng zī piece rate wage; remuneration based on one's output; opposite: time rate wage 計時工資|计时工资[ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1]
計時工 jì shí gōng zī time rate wage; remuneration based on one's time and skill; opposite: piece rate wage 計件工資|计件工资[ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1]
詮釋料 quán shì zī liào metadata
認繳本 rèn jiǎo zī běn subscribed capital (finance)
調 tiáo zī wage adjustment; to raise or lower wages
tán zī sth that people like to chat about; topic of idle conversation
中 zī zhōng Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan
中縣 zī zhōng xiàn Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan
俸 zī fèng salary; pay; wages
優班 zī yōu bān class composed of gifted students (Tw)
優生 zī yōu shēng brilliant student
助 zī zhù to subsidize; to provide financial aid; subsidy
安 zī ān information security (Tw); abbr. for 資訊安全|资讯安全
工 zī gōng abbr. of 資訊工程|资讯工程[zi1 xun4 gong1 cheng2]
料 zī liào material; resources; data; information; profile (Internet); CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4]
料介面 zī liào jiè miàn data interface