property; wealth; capital


資 zī
  • resources
  • capital
  • to provide
  • to supply
  • to support
  • money
  • expense


dú zī drug money
mín zī private capital
zhù zī to inject funds; to put money into (the market)
活期金 huó qī zī jīn funds on call; invested sum that can be cashed
流動產 liú dòng zī chǎn current asset
流動金 liú dòng zī jīn money in circulation; fluid funds
消費料 xiāo fèi zī liào consumption data; consumer goods
yóu zī floating capital; idle fund; hot money
rùn zī remuneration for literary or artistic work
營運金 yíng yùn zī jīn working capital
wù zī goods; supplies
供應 wù zī gōng yìng supply of material
dú zī wholly-owned (often by foreign company); exclusive investment
生活料 shēng huó zī liào consumer goods; means of livelihood; means of subsistence; documents relating to sb's life
生產料 shēng chǎn zī liào means of production
發工日 fā gōng zī rì payday; pay day
短期融 duǎn qī róng zī short-term financing
礦產源 kuàng chǎn zī yuán mineral resources
chóu zī to raise resources
約定訊速率 yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR
統一源 tǒng yī zī yuán unified resource
統一源定位 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress
統一源定位符 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi fú universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress
美國訊交換標準碼 měi guó zī xùn jiāo huàn biāo zhǔn mǎ ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange
格 lǎo zī gé veteran