property; wealth; capital


資 zī
  • resources
  • capital
  • to provide
  • to supply
  • to support
  • money
  • expense


實繳本 shí jiǎo zī běn paid-in capital; contributed capital (finance)
xiǎo zī petit bourgeois; yuppie; abbr. of 小資產階級|小资产阶级
產階級 xiǎo zī chǎn jiē jí petty bourgeois
小額融 xiǎo é róng zī microfinance
chuān zī travel expenses
gōng zī wages; pay; CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],月[yue4]
jù zī huge investment; vast sum
shī zī qualified teacher
nián zī age and experience; seniority
後設料 hòu shè zī liào metadata (Tw)
恆生中企業指數 héng shēng zhōng zī qǐ yè zhǐ shù Hang Seng China affiliated index
qíng zī intelligence; information
tóu zī investment; to invest
人 tóu zī rén investor
回報率 tóu zī huí bào lǜ return on investment (ROI)
報酬率 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ return on investment; rate of return
家 tóu zī jiā investor
移民 tóu zī yí mín investment immigration; immigrant investor
者 tóu zī zhě investor
風險 tóu zī fēng xiǎn investment risk
招商引 zhāo shāng yǐn zī investment promotion
juān zī to contribute funds
chì zī to spend; to allocate funds
最高工限額 zuì gāo gōng zī xiàn é wage ceiling
格 yǒu zī gé to be entitled; to qualify; to be qualified