property; wealth; capital


資 zī
  • resources
  • capital
  • to provide
  • to supply
  • to support
  • money
  • expense


料倉儲 zī liào cāng chǔ data warehouse (computing)
料傳輸 zī liào chuán shū data transmission
料傳送服務 zī liào chuán sòng fú wù data delivery service
料夾 zī liào jiā (file) folder
料庫 zī liào kù database
料量 zī liào liàng quantity of data
料鏈結層 zī liào liàn jié céng data link layer
斧 zī fǔ (literary) money for a journey; travel expenses
方 zī fāng the owners of a private enterprise; management; capital (as opposed to labor)
望 zī wàng seniority and prestige
本 zī běn capital (economics)
本主義 zī běn zhǔ yì capitalism
本儲備 zī běn chǔ bèi capital reserve
本外逃 zī běn wài táo outflow of capital
本家 zī běn jiā capitalist
本市場 zī běn shì chǎng capital market
本計提 zī běn jì tí capital requirement
本論 zī běn lùn Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Ka3 er3 · Ma3 ke4 si1]
格 zī gé qualifications; seniority
格賽 zī gé sài qualifying round (in sports)
歷 zī lì qualifications; experience; seniority
治通鑒 zī zhì tōng jiàn A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls
深 zī shēn veteran (journalist etc); senior; highly experienced
淺 zī qiǎn inexperienced; junior (employee etc)
源 zī yuán Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi; natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism)