one's responsibility, duty


責 zé
  • duty
  • responsibility
  • to reproach
  • to blame


任感 zé rèn gǎn sense of responsibility
任編輯 zé rèn biān jí editor in charge
備 zé bèi to blame; to criticize; condemnation; reproach
備求全 zé bèi qiú quán see 求全責備|求全责备[qiu2 quan2 ze2 bei4]
怪 zé guài to blame; to rebuke
成 zé chéng to charge (an entity) with (a task); to assign (sb) the task of
打 zé dǎ to punish by flogging
有攸歸 zé yǒu yōu guī responsibility must lie where it belongs (idiom)
無旁貸 zé wú páng dài to be duty bound; to be one's unshirkable responsibility
編 zé biān editor in charge (abbr. for 責任編輯|责任编辑[ze2 ren4 bian1 ji2])
罰 zé fá to punish
罵 zé mà to scold
難 zé nàn to censure
農村家庭聯產承包任制 nóng cūn jiā tíng lián chǎn chéng bāo zé rèn zhì rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity
逃避任 táo bì zé rèn to evade responsibility; to shirk
連帶任 lián dài zé rèn to bear joint responsibility for sth; joint liability (law)
zhòng zé heavy responsibility; serious criticism
開脫罪 kāi tuō zuì zé to absolve sb from guilt; to exonerate; to exculpate
並究 bìng jiū zé to investigate and hold accountable