
speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid

HSK 1 #24


说 shuō
  • to speak
  • to say
  • to explain
  • to scold
  • to tell off
  • a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)
  • variant of 說|说[shuo1]
说 shuì
  • to persuade


说 stroke order diagram
说 stroke order animation


chén shuō to state; to assert
zá shuō scattered essays; various opinions; different manners of speaking
非小 fēi xiǎo shuō non-fiction
非洲单源 fēi zhōu dān yuán shuō single origin out of Africa (current mainstream theory of human evolution)
或者 huò zhě shuō Or
比如 bǐ rú shuō for example; for instance
今日法 jīn rì shuō fǎ Today's Legal Report; a specific program or segment on CCTV providing legal analysis and information
lái shuō for one to say; speaking of; in terms of
别胡 bié hú shuō Stop nonsense; don't talk nonsense; don't talk rubbish
de shuō indicates the way or manner of speaking; to speak or tell in a certain way or manner
bié shuō not to mention; let alone
来听听 shuō lái tīng tīng to explain or tell about it; to speak about or explain something so others can listen and understand it
zhōng shuō mentioned in; said in the middle of
dì shuō say; speak
què shuō but said; however mentioned - an expression indicating a contrasting statement or action following a previous one
举例明 jǔ lì shuō míng to give examples to explain; to illustrate with examples
完 shuō wán to finish speaking; to finish talking
得对 shuō dé duì speak correctly; to speak in a manner that is accurate or appropriate
得对 shuō de duì right to say; to be correct or accurate in what was said
如果 rú guǒ shuō if we say; if one were to say
网 xiǎo shuō wǎng novel website; a platform or website dedicated to publishing and sharing novels
系列小 xì liè xiǎo shuō series of novels; a collection of related novels or stories
畅销小 chàng xiāo xiǎo shuō bestselling novel; a book that sells very well
很难 hěn nán shuō difficult to say
了半天 shuō le bàn tiān talked for a long time