HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 340th character |
RADICAL | ⾔ (149.5) |
INDEX # | 892 |
recognize, understand, know
识 shí |
识 zhì |

认识 rèn shi | to know; to recognize; to be familiar with; to get acquainted with sb; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition |
知识 zhī shi | knowledge; CL:門|门[men2]; intellectual |
常识 cháng shí | common sense; general knowledge; CL:門|门[men2] |
意识 yì shí | consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize |
识别 shí bié | to distinguish; to discern |
见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng | experienced and knowledgeable (idiom) |
见识 jiàn shi | to gain first-hand knowledge of sth; to experience for oneself; knowledge; experience; insight |
共识 gòng shí | common understanding; consensus |
潜意识 qián yì shí | unconscious mind; subconscious mind; subconsciousness |
相识 xiāng shí | to get to know each other; acquaintance |
识字 shí zì | to learn to read |
结识 jié shí | to get to know sb; to meet sb for the first time |
标识 biāo zhì | variant of 標誌|标志[biao1 zhi4] |
似曾相识 sì céng xiāng shí | déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time); seemingly familiar; apparently already acquainted |
识破 shí pò | to penetrate; to see through |
辨识 biàn shí | identification; to identify; to recognize |
赏识 shǎng shí | to appreciate; to recognize the worth of sth; appreciation |
胆识 dǎn shí | courage and insight |
熟识 shú shi | to be well acquainted with; to know well |
无意识 wú yì shí | unconscious; involuntary |
下意识 xià yì shí | subconscious mind |
学识 xué shí | erudition; scholarly knowledge |
识相 shí xiàng | sensitive; tactful |
知识分子 zhī shi fèn zǐ | intellectual; intelligentsia; learned person |
意识形态 yì shí xíng tài | ideology |