words; phrase, expression


  • words
  • phrase, expression
  • old variant of 詞|词[ci2]
  • word
  • statement
  • speech
  • lyrics
  • CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]
  • a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]
  • CL:首[shou3]


祝酒 zhù jiǔ cí short speech given in proposing a toast
dǎo cí litany (text of a prayer)
dá cí reply; thank-you speech
zǔ cí to combine words; word formation
結構助 jié gòu zhù cí structural particle, such as 的[de5], 地[de5], 得[de5] and 所[suo3]
維基典 wéi jī cí diǎn Wiktionary (online dictionary)
聯合式合成 lián hé shì hé chéng cí coordinative compound word
聯綿 lián mián cí two-syllable word featuring alliteration or rhyme, such as 玲瓏|玲珑[ling2 long2]
能願動 néng yuàn dòng cí modal verb (e.g. 肯[ken3], 能[neng2], 會|会[hui4], 要[yao4], 該|该[gai1], 得[dei3], 願意|愿意[yuan4 yi4], 可以[ke3 yi3], 可能[ke3 neng2], 敢[gan3], 應該|应该[ying1 gai1]
zhì cí to make a speech; to make some remarks
tái cí an actor's lines; dialogue; Taiwanese word
色厲嚴 sè lì cí yán severe in both looks and speech (idiom)
wú cí superfluous words
推搪 jiè cí tuī táng to make a lot of excuses
xū cí (linguistics) function word
衍聲複 yǎn shēng fù cí compound word such as 玫瑰[mei2 gui1], 咖啡[ka1 fei1], whose meaning is unrelated to the component hanzi, which often cannot be used singly
複合 fù hé cí compound word
複合 fù hé cí sù cí polymorphemic
fù cí compound word; polysyllabic word
複音 fù yīn cí disyllabic word; polysyllabic word
解說 jiě shuō cí a commentary
yán cí variant of 言辭|言辞[yan2 ci2]
xùn cí instruction; admonition
tuō cí to make an excuse; pretext; excuse
lì cí insult; curse