words; phrase, expression


  • words
  • phrase, expression
  • old variant of 詞|词[ci2]
  • word
  • statement
  • speech
  • lyrics
  • CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]
  • a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]
  • CL:首[shou3]


不達意 cí bù dá yì words do not convey the meaning; poorly expressed; senseless; inarticulate
人 cí rén writer of 詞|词[ci2] (a kind of Classical Chinese poem); person of literary talent
人墨客 cí rén mò kè sb of literary abilities (idiom)
令 cí lìng variant of 辭令|辞令[ci2 ling4]
位 cí wèi lexeme
優效應 cí yōu xiào yìng word superiority effect
典 cí diǎn dictionary; also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3]; CL:部[bu4],本[ben3]
典學 cí diǎn xué lexicography
匯 cí huì variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4]; vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes); word
句 cí jù words and sentences
尾 cí wěi suffix
幹 cí gàn word stem (in linguistics)
序 cí xù word order
庫 cí kù word stock; lexicon
彙 cí huì variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4]; vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes); word
彙分解 cí huì fēn jiě lexical decomposition
彙判斷 cí huì pàn duàn lexical decision
彙判斷任務 cí huì pàn duàn rèn wu lexical decision task (psychology)
彙判斷作業 cí huì pàn duàn zuò yè lexical decision task
彙判斷法 cí huì pàn duàn fǎ lexical decision task
彙學 cí huì xué lexicology (linguistics)
彙通路 cí huì tōng lù lexical route
形 cí xíng form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation); morphology (linguistics)
性 cí xìng part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc); lexical category
性標註 cí xìng biāo zhù part-of-speech tagging