words; phrase, expression


  • words
  • phrase, expression
  • old variant of 詞|词[ci2]
  • word
  • statement
  • speech
  • lyrics
  • CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]
  • a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]
  • CL:首[shou3]


潛臺 qián tái cí unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer; subtext; (fig.) implicit assertion
僻義 shú cí pì yì uncommon meaning of a common word
rè cí buzzword
物主代 wù zhǔ dài cí possessive pronoun
物主限定 wù zhǔ xiàn dìng cí possessive (in grammar)
狀態動 zhuàng tài dòng cí (linguistics) stative verb
狀聲 zhuàng shēng cí onomatopoeia
xiàn cí congratulatory message
玩弄藻 wán nòng cí zǎo to juggle with words (dishonestly); to be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric
現在分 xiàn zài fēn cí present participle (in English grammar)
理屈窮 lǐ qū cí qióng faulty argument and poor rhetoric (idiom); unable to put forward any convincing arguments; without a leg to stand on
shēng cí new word (in textbook); word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied; CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]
本 shēng cí běn vocabulary notebook
語 shēng cí yǔ vocabulary words (in language-learning books); new or unfamiliar words
yòng cí usage (of a term); wording; phrasing
異形 yì xíng cí variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划[bi3 hua4] and 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4]; exact synonym and homonym written with different characters
異讀 yì dú cí word having alternative pronunciations
疑問代 yí wèn dài cí interrogative pronoun (誰|谁, 什麼|什么, 哪兒|哪儿 etc)
發刊 fā kān cí foreword; preface (to a publication)
發語 fā yǔ cí form word; in Classical Chinese, the first character of phrase having auxiliary grammatical function
白香譜 bái xiāng cí pǔ Anthology of ci poems tunes (1795), edited by Xu Menglan 舒夢蘭|舒梦兰, with 100 accessible poems from Tang through to Qing times
百科典 bǎi kē cí diǎn encyclopedic dictionary
眾口一 zhòng kǒu yī cí all of one voice; unanimous
捏控 qì cí niē kòng to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence (idiom)
祝賀 zhù hè cí congratulatory speech