
village, hamlet; villa; surname


  • village, hamlet
  • villa
  • surname
  • variant of 莊|庄[zhuang1]
  • surname Zhuang
  • farmstead
  • village
  • manor
  • place of business
  • banker (in a gambling game)
  • grave or solemn
  • holdings of a landlord (in imperial China)


dí zhuāng Dijon (French town)
避暑山 bì shǔ shān zhuāng mountain resort; Qing imperial summer residence at Chengde, a world heritage site
jiǔ zhuāng winery
金家 jīn jiā zhuāng Jinjiazhuang district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3 an1 shan1 shi4], Anhui
金家區 jīn jiā zhuāng qū Jinjiazhuang district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3 an1 shan1 shi4], Anhui
qián zhuāng money farm (dealing in illegal foreign currency of money laundering)
舞劍 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] (idiom, refers to plot to kill Liu Bang during Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴[Hong2 men2 Yan4] in 206 BC); fig. an elaborate deception hiding malicious intent
舞劍,志在沛公 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn , zhì zài pèi gōng see 項莊舞劍,意在沛公|项庄舞剑,意在沛公[Xiang4 Zhuang1 wu3 jian4 , yi4 zai4 Pei4 gong1]
舞劍,意在沛公 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn , yì zài pèi gōng lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] (idiom); refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang, aka Duke of Pei 沛公[Pei4 gong1] and the future Han emperor, during a sword dance at Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴[Hong2 men2 Yan4]; an elaborate deception to hide malicious intent
fàn zhuāng big restaurant