raise, lift up; recommend


舉 jǔ
  • variant of 舉|举[ju3]
  • to lift
  • to hold up
  • to cite
  • to enumerate
  • to act
  • to raise
  • to choose
  • to elect
  • act
  • move
  • deed


立委選 lì wěi xuǎn jǔ legislative elections
等額選 děng é xuǎn jǔ non-competitive election (i.e. with as many candidates as there are seats); single-candidate election
目張 gāng jǔ mù zhāng if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom); take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves; (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered
總統選 zǒng tǒng xuǎn jǔ presidential election
zì jǔ bootstrapping
一反三 jǔ yī fǎn sān to raise one and infer three; to deduce many things from one case (idiom)
不勝 jǔ bù shèng jǔ too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable
世 jǔ shì throughout the world; world ranking (e.g. first)
世無雙 jǔ shì wú shuāng unrivaled (idiom); world number one; unique; unequaled
世矚目 jǔ shì zhǔ mù to receive worldwide attention
世聞名 jǔ shì wén míng world-famous (idiom)
人 jǔ rén graduate; successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination
例 jǔ lì to give an example
例來說 jǔ lì lái shuō for example
債 jǔ zhài to raise a loan; to borrow money
凡 jǔ fán such things as ...; examples including ... (etc); without exception; every; any
動 jǔ dòng act; action; activity; move; movement
國 jǔ guó the entire country
國上下 jǔ guó shàng xià the entire nation; the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
報 jǔ bào to report (malefactors to the police); to denounce
報者 jǔ bào zhě informer; snitch
家 jǔ jiā the whole family
手 jǔ shǒu to raise a hand; to put up one's hand (as signal)
手之勞 jǔ shǒu zhī láo lit. the exertion of lifting one's hand (idiom); fig. a very slight effort
手投足 jǔ shǒu tóu zú one's every movement (idiom); comportment; gestures