raise, lift up; recommend


舉 jǔ
  • variant of 舉|举[ju3]
  • to lift
  • to hold up
  • to cite
  • to enumerate
  • to act
  • to raise
  • to choose
  • to elect
  • act
  • move
  • deed


dà jǔ (do sth) on a large scale
差額選 chā é xuǎn jǔ competitive election (i.e. with more candidates than seats)
yìng jǔ to sit for imperial examinations
成敗在此一 chéng bài zài cǐ yī jǔ win or lose, it all ends here; this is the moment to shine
shǒu jǔ a salute; hands raised
zhuā jǔ snatch (weightlifting technique)
tái ju to lift sth up; to elevate sb; to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc); to show great regard; to speak highly; Taiwan pr. [tai2 ju3]
tǐng jǔ clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)
tuī jǔ to elect; to choose; press (weightlifting technique)
cuò jǔ move; measure; step (to some end)
jiē jǔ to lift up; (fig.) to put on display; to set forth; to expound
明智之 míng zhì zhī jǔ sensible act
有選權 yǒu xuǎn jǔ quán constituent
méi jǔ to enumerate
之戰 bǎi jǔ zhī zhàn Baiju war of 506 BC, in which Wu 吴 scored a crushing victory over Chu 楚
jiǎn jǔ to report (an offense to the authorities); to inform against sb
wǔ jǔ successful military candidate in the imperial provincial examination
lüè jǔ some cases picked out as example; to highlight
百廢待 bǎi fèi dài jǔ many things waiting to be done (idiom); a thousand things to do
百端待 bǎi duān dài jǔ a thousand things remain to be done (idiom); numerous tasks remain to be undertaken
shèng jǔ grand event; magnificent undertaking
直接選 zhí jiē xuǎn jǔ direct election
kē jǔ imperial examination
制 kē jǔ zhì imperial examination system
考試 kē jǔ kǎo shì imperial examinations (in former times)