raise, lift up; recommend


舉 jǔ
  • variant of 舉|举[ju3]
  • to lift
  • to hold up
  • to cite
  • to enumerate
  • to act
  • to raise
  • to choose
  • to elect
  • act
  • move
  • deed


措 jǔ cuò to move; to act; action; decision; conduct; manner
杯 jǔ bēi to toast sb (with wine etc); to drink a toast
架 jǔ jià (dialect) height of a house
案齊眉 jǔ àn qí méi lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow level (idiom); mutual respect in a marriage
棋不定 jǔ qí bù dìng to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver; to shilly-shally
業 jǔ yè preparatory literary studies for imperial examination
止 jǔ zhǐ bearing; manner; mien
步 jǔ bù (literary) to move forward
步維艱 jǔ bù wéi jiān to make progress only with great difficulty (idiom)
火 jǔ huǒ (literary) to light a fire
用 jǔ yòng to select the best (for a job)
發 jǔ fā to expose (e.g., wrongdoing); to accuse (in court); to impeach; to denounce
目 jǔ mù to look; to raise one's eyes
目無親 jǔ mù wú qīn to look up and see no-one familiar (idiom); not having anyone to rely on; without a friend in the world
薦 jǔ jiàn to recommend
行 jǔ xíng to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
證 jǔ zhèng to offer evidence
賢良對策 jǔ xián liáng duì cè Treatise 134 BC by Han dynasty philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒
起 jǔ qǐ to heave; to lift; to raise up; to uphold
足輕重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng to play a critical role (idiom); influential
辦 jǔ bàn to conduct; to hold
重 jǔ zhòng to lift weights; weight-lifting (sports)
隅法 jǔ yù fǎ synecdoche
jiàn jǔ to propose (for a job); to nominate; to recommend
被選權 bèi xuǎn jǔ quán the right to be elected; the right to stand for election