
connect, join; associate, ally


  • connect, join
  • associate, ally
  • to ally
  • to unite
  • to join
  • (poetry) antithetical couplet


接 lián jiē variant of 連接|连接[lian2 jie1]
播 lián bō to broadcast over a network; (radio or TV) hookup; simulcast
星 lián xīng binary star
機 lián jī online; network; to connect online; to connect an electronic device to another device
機分析處理 lián jī fēn xī chǔ lǐ online analysis processing OLAP
機遊戲 lián jī yóu xì a network computer game
歡 lián huān to have a get-together; celebration; party
歡會 lián huān huì social gathering; party
氨 lián ān hydrazine
營 lián yíng joint venture; under joint management
產 lián chǎn co-production; cooperative production
產到勞 lián chǎn dào láo to pay sb according to their productivity
產到戶 lián chǎn dào hù household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each rural household could freely decide what to produce and how to sell, as long as it fulfilled its quota of products to the state
產到組 lián chǎn dào zǔ to pay remuneration according to output (idiom)
盟 lián méng alliance; union; coalition
盟號 lián méng hào Soyuz (union), Russian spacecraft series
立方程式 lián lì fāng chéng shì simultaneous equations (math.)
結 lián jié to bind; to tie; to link
結主義 lián jié zhǔ yì connectionism
結車 lián jié chē (Tw) 18-wheeler; big rig; semi-trailer
絡 lián luò to get in touch with; to contact; to stay in contact (with); liaison; (math.) connection
絡官 lián luò guān liaison officer
絡簿 lián luò bù contact book
網 lián wǎng network; cyber-
綴 lián zhuì variant of 連綴|连缀[lian2 zhui4]