
connect, join; associate, ally


  • connect, join
  • associate, ally
  • to ally
  • to unite
  • to join
  • (poetry) antithetical couplet


合國難民事務高級專員辦事處 lián hé guó nán mín shì wù gāo jí zhuān yuán bàn shì chù Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
合報 lián hé bào United Daily News, Taiwan newspaper
合式合成詞 lián hé shì hé chéng cí coordinative compound word
合技術公司 lián hé jì shù gōng sī United Technologies Corporation
合收割機 lián hé shōu gē jī combine; harvester
合政府 lián hé zhèng fǔ coalition government
合會 lián hé huì federation
合王國 lián hé wáng guó United Kingdom
合發表 lián hé fā biǎo joint statement; joint announcement
合組織 lián hé zǔ zhī syndicate
合聲明 lián hé shēng míng joint declaration
合自強 lián hé zì qiáng to combine together for self-improvement; joint movement for self-strengthening
合艦隊 lián hé jiàn duì combined fleet
合軍演 lián hé jūn yǎn joint military exercise
名 lián míng jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)
大 lián dà abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会[Lian2 he2 guo2 Da4 hui4], United Nations General Assembly; abbr. for 國立西南聯合大學|国立西南联合大学[Guo2 li4 Xi1 nan2 Lian2 he2 Da4 xue2], National Southwest Combined University
姻 lián yīn related by marriage; to connect by marriage (families, work units)
宗 lián zōng combined branches of a clan
席會議 lián xí huì yì joint conference
席董事 lián xí dǒng shì associate director
想 lián xiǎng abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]; to associate (cognitively); to make an associative connection; mental association; word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
想學習 lián xiǎng xué xí associative learning
想起 lián xiǎng qǐ to associate; to think of
想集團 lián xiǎng jí tuán Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)
手 lián shǒu lit. to join hands; to act together