
connect, join; associate, ally


  • connect, join
  • associate, ally
  • to ally
  • to unite
  • to join
  • (poetry) antithetical couplet


美國準 měi guó lián zhǔn American Federal Reserve
美國邦儲備 měi guó lián bāng chǔ bèi US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
美國邦航空局 měi guó lián bāng háng kōng jú Federal Aviation Authority (FAA)
儲 měi lián chǔ US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
社 měi lián shè Associated Press (AP); abbr. for 美國聯合通訊社|美国联合通讯社[Mei3 guo2 Lian2 he2 Tong1 xun4 she4]
晶體管 ǒu lián jīng tǐ guǎn coupled transistor (electronics)
係 lián xì variant of 聯繫|联系[lian2 xi4]; connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch
俄 lián é alliance with Russia (e.g. of early Chinese communists)
保 lián bǎo joint guarantee (finance, law)
合 lián hé to combine; to join; unite; alliance
合公報 lián hé gōng bào joint announcement
合包裹服務公司 lián hé bāo guǒ fú wù gōng sī United Parcel Service (UPS)
合古大陸 lián hé gǔ dà lù Pangea or Pangaea
合國 lián hé guó United Nations
合國兒童基金會 lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì United Nations Children's Fund; UNICEF
合國大會 lián hé guó dà huì United Nations General Assembly
合國安全理事會 lián hé guó ān quán lǐ shì huì United Nations Security Council
合國憲章 lián hé guó xiàn zhāng United Nations charter
合國教科文組織 lián hé guó jiào kē wén zǔ zhī UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
合國氣候變化框架公約 lián hé guó qì hòu biàn huà kuàng jià gōng yuē United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
合國海洋法公約 lián hé guó hǎi yáng fǎ gōng yuē United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
合國環境規劃署 lián hé guó huán jìng guī huà shǔ United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
合國秘書處 lián hé guó mì shū chù United Nations Secretariat
合國糧農組織 lián hé guó liáng nóng zǔ zhī Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
合國開發計劃署 lián hé guó kāi fā jì huà shǔ United Nations Development Program