
connect, join; associate, ally


  • connect, join
  • associate, ally
  • to ally
  • to unite
  • to join
  • (poetry) antithetical couplet


màn lián Manchester United Football Club
繫 yǒu lián xì to be connected; to be related
有關 yǒu guān lián related to; concerning; to be correlated
東南亞國家盟 dōng nán yà guó jiā lián méng ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
東南亞盟 dōng nán yà lián méng ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations); same as 東南亞國家聯盟|东南亚国家联盟[Dong1 nan2 ya4 Guo2 jia1 Lian2 meng2]
yíng lián couplet (hung on the columns of a hall)
歐洲原子能營 ōu zhōu yuán zǐ néng lián yíng Euratom
歐洲盟 ōu zhōu lián méng European Union (EU)
歐洲自由貿易盟 ōu zhōu zì yóu mào yì lián méng European Free Trade Association
民主建港協進盟 mín zhǔ jiàn gǎng xié jìn lián méng Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party
民建 mín jiàn lián abbr. for 民主建港協進聯盟|民主建港协进联盟, Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party
浮想翩 fú xiǎng lián piān to let one's imagination roam
澳大利亞邦 ào dà lì yà lián bāng Commonwealth of Australia
特徵合 tè zhēng lián hé characteristic binding
qiān lián variant of 牽連|牵连[qian1 lian2]
獨立國家合體 dú lì guó jiā lián hé tǐ Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)
體 dú lián tǐ Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union); abbr. for 獨立國家聯合體|独立国家联合体
璧合 zhū lián bì hé string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination; perfect pair
xiāng lián to interact; interrelated
磁重 cí chóng lián (physics) magnetic reconnection
jí lián cascade; cascading
綿 mián lián variant of 綿連|绵连[mian2 lian2]
緊密相 jǐn mì xiāng lián closely interrelated; intimately related
緬甸邦 miǎn diàn lián bāng Union of Myanmar, official name of Burma 1998-2010
美國合通訊社 měi guó lián hé tōng xùn shè Associated Press (AP); abbr. to 美聯社|美联社[Mei3 Lian2 she4]