
connect, join; associate, ally


  • connect, join
  • associate, ally
  • to ally
  • to unite
  • to join
  • (poetry) antithetical couplet


綿 lián mián variant of 連綿|连绵[lian2 mian2]
綿詞 lián mián cí two-syllable word featuring alliteration or rhyme, such as 玲瓏|玲珑[ling2 long2]
繫 lián xì variant of 聯繫|联系[lian2 xi4]; connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch
繫人 lián xì rén contact (person)
繫方式 lián xì fāng shì contact details
署 lián shǔ joint signatures (on a letter or declaration)
翩 lián piān (literary) to come in quick succession; wave after wave
考 lián kǎo entrance examination
航 lián háng China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合航空|中国联合航空[Zhong1 guo2 Lian2 he2 Hang2 kong1]
號 lián hào variant of 連號|连号[lian2 hao4]
袂 lián mèi jointly; as a group; together
誦 lián sòng liaison (in phonetics) (loanword)
誼 lián yì friendship; fellowship
誼會 lián yì huì association; club; society; party; get-together
調試 lián tiáo lián shì debugging and commissioning; testing (of a whole system)
貫 lián guàn variant of 連貫|连贯[lian2 guan4]
賽 lián sài (sports) league; league tournament
軍 lián jūn allied armies
軸器 lián zhòu qì (mechanics) coupler; coupling
軸節 lián zhòu jié (mechanics) coupling
通 lián tōng China United Telecommunications Corporation; aka China Unicom or Unicom; abbr. for 中國聯通|中国联通; connection; link; to link together
通紅籌公司 lián tōng hóng chóu gōng sī Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong subsidiary of China Unicom 中國聯通|中国联通
運 lián yùn through transport; through traffic jointly organized by different enterprises
運票 lián yùn piào transfer ticket
邦 lián bāng federal; federation; commonwealth; federal union; federal state; union