
holy, sacred; sage


  • holy, sacred
  • sage
  • holy
  • sacred
  • saint
  • sage


喬治 shèng qiáo zhì St George
地 shèng dì holy land (of a religion); sacred place; shrine; holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc); center of historic interest
地亞哥 shèng dì yà gē Santiago, capital of Chile; San Diego, California
地牙哥 shèng dì yá gē (Tw) San Diego, California; Santiago, capital of Chile
城 shèng chéng Holy City
基茨和尼維斯 shèng jī cí hé ní wéi sī Saint Kitts and Nevis
塔倫 shèng tǎ lún Santarém (Portugal); Santarém (Brazil)
多明各 shèng duō míng gè Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
多明哥 shèng duō míng gē Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic (Tw)
多美 shèng duō měi Sao Tome, capital of Sao Tome and Principe
多美和普林西比 shèng duō měi hé pǔ lín xī bǐ São Tomé and Príncipe
大非 shèng dà fēi Santa Fe
奧古斯丁 shèng ào gǔ sī dīng St Augustine; Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher; Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany
女果 shèng nǚ guǒ cherry tomato
女貞德 shèng nǚ zhēn dé Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English
嬰 shèng yīng El Niño (meteorology); Holy Infant (cf biblical nativity story)
子 shèng zǐ Holy Son; Jesus Christ; God the Son (in the Christian Trinity)
安地列斯斷層 shèng ān de liè sī duàn céng San Andreas Fault, California; also written 聖安德列斯斷層|圣安德列斯断层
安多尼堂區 shèng ān duō ní táng qū St Anthony Parish (Macau); Freguesia de Santo António
安德列斯斷層 shèng ān dé liè sī duàn céng San Andreas Fault, California
安德魯 shèng ān dé lǔ St Andrew
安東尼奧 shèng ān dōng ní ào San Antonio, Texas
帕特里克 shèng pà tè lǐ kè Saint Patrick
廟 shèng miào shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius)
彼得 shèng bǐ dé Saint Peter