
holy, sacred; sage


  • holy, sacred
  • sage
  • holy
  • sacred
  • saint
  • sage


羅馬帝國 shén shèng luó mǎ dì guó the Holy Roman Empire (history)
週 shén shèng zhōu Holy week; Easter week (esp. Catholic)
mù shèng Prophet Muhammad
耶穌基督後期徒教會 yē sū jī dū hòu qī shèng tú jiào huì The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
耶穌基督末世徒教會 yē sū jī dū mò shì shèng tú jiào huì The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
上 shèng shàng courtier's or minister's form of address for the current Emperor
事 shèng shì Holy sacrament; Christian rite (esp. Catholic); also called 聖禮|圣礼 by Protestants
人 shèng rén saint; sage; refers to Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3]; the current reigning Emperor
代 shèng dài sundae (loanword)
伯多祿大殿 shèng bó duō lù dà diàn St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
但尼 shèng dàn ní St Denis or St Dennis
佛明節 shèng fó míng jié Fiesta de Saint Fermin, festival held annually in Pamplona, Spain
保羅 shèng bǎo luó St Paul; São Paulo, city in Brazil
像 shèng xiàng icon; iconic; religious image; figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary etc); CL:張|张[zhang1]
僧 shèng sēng senior monk
克魯斯 shèng kè lǔ sī Santa Cruz
克魯斯島 shèng kè lǔ sī dǎo Santa Cruz Island, off the California coast
典 shèng diǎn sacred writing; canon
凱瑟琳 shèng kǎi sè lín Saint Catherine
勞倫斯河 shèng láo lún sī hé St Lawrence River, Canada
化 shèng huà sanctify; sanctification; consecrate
君 shèng jūn sage
哈辛托 shèng hā xīn tuō San Jacinto
哉經 shèng zāi jīng Sanctus (section of Catholic mass)
哲 shèng zhé sage