
knit, weave; arrange; compile


編 biān
  • to weave
  • to plait
  • to organize
  • to group
  • to arrange
  • to edit
  • to compile
  • to write
  • to compose
  • to fabricate


碼器 biān mǎ qì encoder
碼字符集 biān mǎ zì fú jí coded character set
碼系統 biān mǎ xì tǒng coding system
磬 biān qìng musical instrument consisting of a set of chime stones suspended from a beam and struck as a xylophone
程 biān chéng (computing) to program; programming
篡 biān cuàn to fabricate (sth)
組 biān zǔ to organize into groups; marshalling
結 biān jié to weave; to plait
結業 biān jié yè weaving industry
織 biān zhī to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid; (fig.) to create (sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc)
織品 biān zhī pǐn woven fabric
纂 biān zuǎn to compile
者 biān zhě editor; compiler
者按 biān zhě àn editor's commentary
者案 biān zhě àn variant of 編者按|编者按[bian1 zhe3 an4]
舞 biān wǔ choreography; choreographer
著 biān zhù to compile; to write
號 biān hào to number; numbering; serial number
製 biān zhì to establish (a unit or department); staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff); to weave; to plait; to compile; to put together (a lesson plan, budget etc)
註 biān zhù editor's note
譯 biān yì to translate and edit; translator-editor; (computing) to compile (source code)
譯器 biān yì qì compiler
譯家 biān yì jiā translator and editor
輯 biān jí to edit; to compile; editor; compiler
輯器 biān jí qì editor (software)