
knit, weave; arrange; compile


編 biān
  • to weave
  • to plait
  • to organize
  • to group
  • to arrange
  • to edit
  • to compile
  • to write
  • to compose
  • to fabricate


亂造 xiā biān luàn zào random lies and falsehoods
科學輯 kē xué biān jí science editor (of a publication)
zhú biān wickerwork
jiǎn biān concise edition; abridged edition; compendium
修 biān xiū to compile and edit
入 biān rù to include (in a list etc); to assign (to a class, a work unit etc)
列 biān liè to arrange in order; to compile; to prepare (a budget, project etc)
制 biān zhì to establish (a unit or department); staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff); to weave; to plait; to compile; to put together (a lesson plan, budget etc)
劇 biān jù to write a play; scenario; dramatist; screenwriter
務 biān wù editing
印 biān yìn to compile and print; to publish
審 biān shěn to copy-edit; copy editor
寫 biān xiě to compile
導 biān dǎo to write and direct (a play, film etc); playwright-director; choreographer-director; scenarist-director
年史 biān nián shǐ annals; chronicle
年體 biān nián tǐ in the style of annals; chronological history, the regular form of the Chinese dynastic histories
成 biān chéng to organize; to put together; to edit
排 biān pái to arrange; to lay out
撰 biān zhuàn to compile; to edit
曲 biān qǔ to compose (music); arrangement
次 biān cì order of arrangement
班 biān bān to group students into classes; to divide people (staff members etc) into groups
班考試 biān bān kǎo shì placement test
目 biān mù to make a catalogue; catalogue; list
碼 biān mǎ to code; to encode; code