
knit, weave; arrange; compile


編 biān
  • to weave
  • to plait
  • to organize
  • to group
  • to arrange
  • to edit
  • to compile
  • to write
  • to compose
  • to fabricate


輯室 biān jí shì editorial office
輯家 biān jí jiā editor; compiler
造 biān zào to compile; to draw up; to fabricate; to invent; to concoct; to make up; to cook up
遣 biān qiǎn to reorganize (troops etc) and discharge surplus personnel
選 biān xuǎn to select and edit; to compile
錄 biān lù to select and edict; to edit extracts
鐘 biān zhōng set of bells (old Chinese music instrument)
隊 biān duì to form into columns; to organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft)
zǒng biān chief editor (of newspaper); abbr. for 總編輯|总编辑
輯 zǒng biān jí chief editor (of newspaper)
xù biān sequel; continuation (of a serial publication)
měi biān (publishing) (abbr. for 美術編輯|美术编辑[mei3 shu4 bian1 ji2]) layout and graphics; graphic design; art editor; graphic designer
美術輯 měi shù biān jí (publishing) layout and graphics; graphic design; art editor; graphic designer
hú biān to make things up; to concoct (a story, an excuse etc)
亂造 hú biān luàn zào to concoct a cock-and-bull story (idiom); to make things up
cǎo biān straw weaving
責任輯 zé rèn biān jí editor in charge
zé biān editor in charge (abbr. for 責任編輯|责任编辑[ze2 ren4 bian1 ji2])
進行程 jìn xíng biān chéng executable program
xuǎn biān selected works (poems, documents etc); anthology
部首排法 bù shǒu biān pái fǎ dictionary arrangement of Chinese characters under radicals
郵局碼 yóu jú biān mǎ postcode
郵政碼 yóu zhèng biān mǎ postal code; zip code
yóu biān postal code; zip code
chóng biān (of a dictionary etc) revised edition