
end; finally, in the end


  • end
  • finally, in the end
  • end
  • finish


於 zhōng yú at last; in the end; finally; eventually
日 zhōng rì all day long
期 zhōng qī terminal; final
期癌 zhōng qī ái terminal cancer
極 zhōng jí ultimate; final
止 zhōng zhǐ to stop; to terminate (law)
生 zhōng shēng throughout one's life; lifetime; lifelong
生伴侶 zhōng shēng bàn lǚ lifelong partner or companion
產物 zhōng chǎn wù end product
究 zhōng jiū in the end; after all is said and done
端 zhōng duān end; terminal
端機 zhōng duān jī terminal
端用戶 zhōng duān yòng hù end user
結 zhōng jié end; conclusion; to come to an end; to terminate (sth)
老 zhōng lǎo to spend one's last years
而復始 zhōng ér fù shǐ lit. the end comes back to the start (idiom); the wheel comes full circle
聲 zhōng shēng final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)
身 zhōng shēn lifelong; all one's life; marriage
身俸 zhōng shēn fèng (Tw) retirement pay; pension
身大事 zhōng shēn dà shì major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
身監禁 zhōng shēn jiān jìn life sentence
點 zhōng diǎn the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus; CL:個|个[ge4]
點地址 zhōng diǎn dì zhǐ destination address
點站 zhōng diǎn zhàn terminus; final stop on rail or bus line
點線 zhōng diǎn xiàn finishing line