
end; finally, in the end


  • end
  • finally, in the end
  • end
  • finish


lín zhōng approaching one's end; with one foot in the grave
關懷 lín zhōng guān huái palliative care
自始至 zì shǐ zhì zhōng from start to finish (idiom)
至始至 zhì shǐ zhì zhōng from start to finish
貫徹始 guàn chè shǐ zhōng to follow through; to carry through to the end
路上比點更有意義 lù shang bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng yǒu yì yì The road means more than the destination.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
sòng zhōng to pay one's last respects
過程比點更美 guò chéng bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng měi The process is more beautiful than the outcome.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
xiá zhōng forever
靡不有初,鮮克有 mǐ bù yǒu chū , xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end (idiom); don't start sth you can't handle
飽食日 bǎo shí zhōng rì to spend the whole day eating (i.e. not doing any work)
飽食日,無所用心 bǎo shí zhōng rì , wú suǒ yòng xīn to eat three square meals a day and do no work (idiom); to be sated with food and remain idle
養老送 yǎng lǎo sòng zhōng to look after one's aged parents and arrange proper burial after they die