
system; line, link, connection

HSK 1 #216


系 xì
  • to connect
  • to relate to
  • to tie up
  • to bind
  • to be (literary)
  • system
  • department
  • faculty
  • to arrest
  • to worry
系 jì
  • to tie
  • to fasten
  • to button up


系 stroke order diagram
系 stroke order animation


北斗衛星導航統 běi dǒu wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng Beidou navigation system
北洋 běi yáng xì Beiyang faction of Northern Warlords
印欧语 yìn ōu yǔ xì Indo-European family of languages
印歐語 yìn ōu yǔ xì Indo-European family of languages
參照 cān zhào xì frame of reference; coordinate frame (math.)
參考 cān kǎo xì frame of reference
友好关 yǒu hǎo guān xì good relations
反导统 fǎn dǎo xì tǒng anti-missile system; missile defense system
反導統 fǎn dǎo xì tǒng anti-missile system; missile defense system
台湾关法 tái wān guān xì fǎ Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)
吉尼数 jí ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
呼吸統 hū xī xì tǒng respiratory system
命名统 mìng míng xì tǒng system of nomenclature
命名統 mìng míng xì tǒng system of nomenclature
严重急性呼吸统综合症 yán zhòng jí xìng hū xī xì tǒng zōng hé zhèng severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
嚴重急性呼吸統綜合症 yán zhòng jí xìng hū xī xì tǒng zōng hé zhèng severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
国际关 guó jì guān xì international relations
国际关学院 guó jì guān xì xué yuàn University of International Relations, Beijing, established in 1949
基尼数 jī ní xì shù Gini coefficient (a measure of statistical dispersion)
坚尼数 jiān ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
bào xì newspaper chain; syndicate
bào xì newspaper chain; syndicate
外交关 wài jiāo guān xì foreign relations; diplomatic relations
外交关理事会 wài jiāo guān xì lǐ shì huì Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think tank)
外文 wài wén xì department of foreign languages; modern languages (college department)