
system; line, link, connection

HSK 1 #216


系 xì
  • to connect
  • to relate to
  • to tie up
  • to bind
  • to be (literary)
  • system
  • department
  • faculty
  • to arrest
  • to worry
系 jì
  • to tie
  • to fasten
  • to button up


系 stroke order diagram
系 stroke order animation


免疫统 miǎn yì xì tǒng immune system
免疫統 miǎn yì xì tǒng immune system
内容管理统 nèi róng guǎn lǐ xì tǒng content management system (CMS) (Internet)
內容管理統 nèi róng guǎn lǐ xì tǒng content management system (CMS) (Internet)
全球位置测定统 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng GPS (Global Positioning System)
全球位置測定統 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng GPS (Global Positioning System)
全球定位统 quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng global positioning system (GPS)
全球定位統 quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng global positioning system (GPS)
全球卫星导航统 quán qiú wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS; abbr. to 格洛納斯|格洛纳斯
全球衛星導航統 quán qiú wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS; abbr. to 格洛納斯|格洛纳斯
两国关 liǎng guó guān xì bilateral relations
公共关 gōng gòng guān xì public relations
冷淡关 lěng dàn guān xì cold relations (e.g. between countries)
统 fēn xì tǒng subsystem
統 fēn xì tǒng subsystem
利害关 lì hài guān xi stake; vital interest; concern
利害关人 lì hài guān xi rén stakeholder; interested party; interested person
利害关方 lì hài guān xi fāng interested party
劲度数 jìn dù xì shù coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)
动力统 dòng lì xì tǒng mechanical system
動力統 dòng lì xì tǒng mechanical system
劳资关 láo zī guān xì industrial relations; relations between labor and capital
劳雇关 láo gù guān xì relations between labor and employer; industrial relations
化學 huà xué xì department of chemistry
北斗卫星导航统 běi dǒu wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng Beidou navigation system