
bind, tie up; involve, relation


係 xì
  • to connect
  • to relate to
  • to tie up
  • to bind
  • to be (literary)
  • system
  • department
  • faculty
  • to arrest
  • to worry


三角關 sān jiǎo guān xì triangle relationship; a love triangle
不正當關 bù zhèng dàng guān xì improper relation; adulterous relation
中心埋置關從句 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù center-embedded relative clauses
中日關 zhōng rì guān xì Sino-Japanese relations
亂搞男女關 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì to be promiscuous; to sleep around
二項式數 èr xiàng shì xì shù a binomial coefficient (math.); the number of combinations
詞 jiè xì cí preposition
數 xì shù coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio
兩國關 liǎng guó guān xì bilateral relations
公共關 gōng gòng guān xì public relations
冷淡關 lěng dàn guān xì cold relations (e.g. between countries)
利害關 lì hài guān xi stake; vital interest; concern
利害關人 lì hài guān xi rén stakeholder; interested party; interested person
利害關方 lì hài guān xi fāng interested party
勁度數 jìn dù xì shù coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)
勞資關 láo zī guān xì industrial relations; relations between labor and capital
勞雇關 láo gù guān xì relations between labor and employer; industrial relations
友好關 yǒu hǎo guān xì good relations
台灣關法 tái wān guān xì fǎ Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)
吉尼數 jí ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
國際關 guó jì guān xì international relations
國際關學院 guó jì guān xì xué yuàn University of International Relations, Beijing, established in 1949
基尼數 jī ní xì shù Gini coefficient (a measure of statistical dispersion)
堅尼數 jiān ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
外交關 wài jiāo guān xì foreign relations; diplomatic relations
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