
form; appearance; shape; official


  • form
  • appearance
  • shape
  • official
  • accusation
  • suit
  • state
  • condition
  • strong
  • great
  • -shaped


xiàn zhuàng current situation
qiú zhuàng sphere
物 qiú zhuàng wù globe
蛋白質 qiú zhuàng dàn bái zhì globular protein
huán zhuàng annular; toroidal; loop-shaped; ring-like
列石 huán zhuàng liè shí circular standing stones
jiǎ zhuàng thyroid (gland)
旁腺 jiǎ zhuàng páng xiàn parathyroid
腺 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn thyroid gland
腺功能亢進 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng kàng jìn hyperthyroidism; abbr. to 甲亢[jia3 kang4]
腺素 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn sù thyroid hormone; thyroxine (used to treat underactive thyroid)
腺腫 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn zhǒng goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland)
shēn zhuàng to present (a document); to submit (a petition)
yì zhuàng unusual condition; something odd; strange shape
yóu zhuàng warty; bumpy; wart-shaped
bìng zhuàng symptom (of a disease)
zhèng zhuàng symptom (of an illness)
性 zhèng zhuàng xìng symptomatic
體 jié zhuàng tǐ ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)
shí zhuàng stony
第三態 dì sān zhuàng tài suboptimal health status
精神態 jīng shén zhuàng tài mental state; psychological condition
結晶 jié jīng zhuàng crystalline
物 xù zhuàng wù floccule; a wisp of material precipitated from liquid
sī zhuàng thread-like