
form; appearance; shape; official


  • form
  • appearance
  • shape
  • official
  • accusation
  • suit
  • state
  • condition
  • strong
  • great
  • -shaped


植物人態 zhí wù rén zhuàng tài vegetative state (i.e. in a coma)
植物態 zhí wù zhuàng tài vegetative state (medicine)
標準態 biāo zhǔn zhuàng tài standard conditions for temperature and pressure
標準況 biāo zhǔn zhuàng kuàng standard conditions for temperature and pressure
樹枝晶 shù zhī zhuàng jīng dendrite (crystallography)
細胞 shù zhuàng xì bāo dendritic cell
樹突細胞 shù tū zhuàng xì bāo dendritic cell
氣候況 qì hòu zhuàng kuàng climatic conditions; atmospheric conditions
沒有形 méi yǒu xíng zhuàng shapeless
bō zhuàng wave-shaped
熱 bō zhuàng rè undulant fever; brucellosis
雲 bō zhuàng yún undulatus
海綿 hǎi mián zhuàng spongy
wú zhuàng insolence; insolent; ill-mannered
牛海綿腦病 niú hǎi mián zhuàng nǎo bìng bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE; mad cow disease
特許 tè xǔ zhuàng charter
元 zhuàng yuán top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system); see 榜眼[bang3 yan3] and 探花[tan4 hua1]; top scorer in college entrance examination 高考[gao1 kao3]; (fig.) the most brilliantly talented person in the field; leading light
告 zhuàng gào to sue; to take to court; to file a lawsuit
態 zhuàng tài state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:個|个[ge4]
態動詞 zhuàng tài dòng cí (linguistics) stative verb
況 zhuàng kuàng condition; state; situation; CL:個|个[ge4]
物 zhuàng wù ...-shaped thing (suffix)
聲詞 zhuàng shēng cí onomatopoeia
語 zhuàng yǔ adverbial adjunct (adverb or adverbial clause)
jiǎng zhuàng prize certificate; certificate of merit