
form; appearance; shape; official


  • form
  • appearance
  • shape
  • official
  • accusation
  • suit
  • state
  • condition
  • strong
  • great
  • -shaped


物 sī zhuàng wù filament
經濟況 jīng jì zhuàng kuàng economic situation
泡沫 wǎng zhuàng pào mò reticulated foam
脈 wǎng zhuàng mài netted veins; reticulated veins (of a leaf etc); stockwork (geology)
緊張態 jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài tense situation; standoff
緊急態 jǐn jí zhuàng tài state of emergency
xiàn zhuàng linear
纖維 xiān wéi zhuàng fibrous
zuì zhuàng charges or facts about a crime; the nature of the offense
複葉 yǔ zhuàng fù yè bipinnate leaf (in phyllotaxy)
肉毒梭芽孢桿菌 ròu dú suō zhuàng yá bāo gǎn jūn Clostridium difficile (bacterium causing gut infection)
jiāo zhuàng gluey; gelatinous; colloid (chemistry)
臨界態 lín jiè zhuàng tài critical state; criticality
莫可名 mò kě míng zhuàng indescribable (joy); inexpressible (pleasure)
葉片 yè piàn zhuàng foliated; striated into thin leaves
星雲 xiè zhuàng xīng yún Crab nebula
xíng zhuàng person's background
行行出元 háng háng chū zhuàng yuán lit. in every trade, a master appears (idiom); fig. You can produce outstanding achievements in any task, provided you put it enough love and diligence
jiàn zhuàng upon seeing this, ...; in response, ...
sù zhuàng indictment; plea; complaint
皮層 jù zhuàng pí céng calcarine
軍令 jūn lìng zhuàng military order
病毒 lún zhuàng bìng dú rotavirus
運行況 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng operational state; running state
zhēn zhuàng needle-shaped