
smelt, refine; distill, condense


煉 liàn
  • to refine
  • to smelt
  • variant of 鏈|链[lian4], chain
  • variant of 煉|炼[lian4]


xiū liàn (of Taoists) to practice austerities; to practice asceticism
成仙 xiū liàn chéng xiān lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal; practice makes perfect
yě liàn to smelt metal
爐 yě liàn lú a furnace for smelting metal
níng liàn variant of 凝練|凝练[ning2 lian4]
tí liàn to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process
xǐ liàn variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4]
páo liàn to parch and refine medicinal herbs
duàn liàn to forge; to toughen; to temper
丹 liàn dān to concoct pills of immortality
丹八卦爐 liàn dān bā guà lú eight trigrams furnace to cook pills of immortality; symbol of the alchemist's art; Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn, and cauldron bubble
丹術 liàn dān shù maker of immortality pill; concocting magic pills
之未定 liàn zhī wèi dìng to spend a long time thinking about sth while unable to reach a decision
乳 liàn rǔ to condense milk (by evaporation); condensed milk
化 liàn huà to refine; refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc)
句 liàn jù to polish a phrase
奶 liàn nǎi condensed milk
字 liàn zì to craft one's words
油 liàn yóu oil refinery
油廠 liàn yóu chǎng oil refinery
焦 liàn jiāo coking; the process of producing coke from coal
焦爐 liàn jiāo lú coking furnace
獄 liàn yù purgatory
珍 liàn zhēn a delicacy (food)
製 liàn zhì (chemistry) to refine
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