
smelt, refine; distill, condense


煉 liàn
  • to refine
  • to smelt
  • variant of 鏈|链[lian4], chain
  • variant of 煉|炼[lian4]


金術 liàn jīn shù alchemy
金術士 liàn jīn shù shì alchemist
鋼 liàn gāng steelmaking
鋼廠 liàn gāng chǎng steel mill
鐵 liàn tiě smelting iron
鐵廠 liàn tiě chǎng iron foundry
róng liàn to smelt
成鋼 bǎi liàn chéng gāng to be tempered into a steel
鋼 bǎi liàn gāng high-grade well-tempered steel
真金不怕火 zhēn jīn bù pà huǒ liàn True gold fears no fire. (idiom)
mó liàn see 磨練|磨练[mo2 lian4]
jiǎn liàn variant of 簡練|简练[jian3 lian4]
jīng liàn to refine (a substance); to purify; to refine (one's skills, writing etc); refined; polished; succinct; skilled; capable
廠 jīng liàn chǎng refinery (of oil etc)
shì liàn to refine with fire
體育鍛 tǐ yù duàn liàn physical exercise
功 liàn gōng cultivating energy; refining one’s skills or practices