HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1763rd character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.5) |
INDEX # | 1655 |
smelt, refine; distill, condense
- smelt, refine
- distill, condense
- to refine
- to smelt
- variant of 鏈|链[lian4], chain
- variant of 煉|炼[lian4]

锻炼 duàn liàn | to toughen; to temper; to engage in physical exercise; to work out; (fig.) to develop one's skills; to train oneself |
提炼 tí liàn | to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process |
炼狱 liàn yù | purgatory |
炼油厂 liàn yóu chǎng | oil refinery |
精炼 jīng liàn | to refine (a substance); to purify; to refine (one's skills, writing etc); refined; polished; succinct; skilled; capable |
炼金术 liàn jīn shù | alchemy |
修炼 xiū liàn | (of Taoists) to practice austerities; to practice asceticism |
磨炼 mó liàn | see 磨練|磨练[mo2 lian4] |
炼铁 liàn tiě | smelting iron |
炼钢 liàn gāng | steelmaking |
冶炼 yě liàn | to smelt metal |
炼丹 liàn dān | to concoct pills of immortality |
炼乳 liàn rǔ | to condense milk (by evaporation); condensed milk |
熔炼 róng liàn | to smelt |
炼化 liàn huà | to refine; refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc) |
炼油 liàn yóu | oil refinery |
炼焦炉 liàn jiāo lú | coking furnace |
炼制 liàn zhì | (chemistry) to refine |
修炼成仙 xiū liàn chéng xiān | lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal; practice makes perfect |
冶炼炉 yě liàn lú | a furnace for smelting metal |
凝炼 níng liàn | variant of 凝練|凝练[ning2 lian4] |
千锤百炼 qiān chuí bǎi liàn | after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom); the vicissitudes of life |
洗炼 xǐ liàn | variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4] |
炮炼 páo liàn | to parch and refine medicinal herbs |
煅炼 duàn liàn | to forge; to toughen; to temper |