wèi wéi

do, handle, govern, act; be


為 wèi
  • because of
  • for
  • to
  • variant of 為|为[wei4], because of
為 wéi
  • as (in the capacity of)
  • to take sth as
  • to act as
  • to serve as
  • to behave as
  • to become
  • to be
  • to do
  • by (in the passive voice)
  • variant of 為|为[wei2]
  • as (i.e. in the capacity of)


捨己公 shě jǐ wèi gōng to give up one's private interests for the public good (idiom); to behave altruistically; selfless and public spirited
己有 jù wéi jǐ yǒu to take for one's own; to expropriate
gǎi wéi to change into
敢作敢 gǎn zuò gǎn wéi to stop at nothing (idiom); to dare to do anything
gǎn wéi to dare to do
人先 gǎn wéi rén xiān to dare to be first; to pioneer (idiom)
gèng wéi even more
曾經滄海難水,除卻巫山不是雲 céng jīng cāng hǎi nán wéi shuǐ , chú què wū shān bù shì yún there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom); one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things
zuì wéi the most
有仇不報非君子,有冤不伸枉人 yǒu chóu bù bào fēi jūn zǐ , yǒu yuān bù shēn wǎng wéi rén one who doesn't avenge an injustice is not a gentleman, one who doesn't redress a wrong is not a man (idiom)
yǒu wéi promising; to show promise
有守 yǒu wéi yǒu shǒu able to act while maintaining one's integrity (idiom); also written 有守有為|有守有为[you3 shou3 you3 wei2]
朋比奸 péng bǐ wéi jiān to conspire; to gang up
jí wéi extremely; exceedingly
龐大 jí wéi páng dà monumental
歃血盟 shà xuè wéi méng to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath (idiom); to swear a sacred oath
步步營 bù bù wéi yíng to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step; to consolidate at every step
bǐ wéi to liken to; to compare to
毛澤東・鮮人知的故事 máo zé dōng ・ xiān wéi rén zhī de gù shi Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday
民以食天 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need.; Food first, ethical niceties second
海盜行 hǎi dào xíng wéi piracy
lún wéi to sink down to; to be reduced to (sth inferior)
一談 hùn wéi yī tán to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
主 wéi zhǔ to rely mainly on; to attach most importance to
了 wèi le in order to; for the purpose of; so as to