
hide; hidden, secret, latent


  • hide
  • hidden, secret, latent
  • hidden
  • secret
  • latent
  • to hide
  • to conceal
  • to submerge
  • to dive


山縣 qián shān xiàn Qianshan county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui
影 qián yǐng to hide; latent image (in photography)
心 qián xīn to concentrate fully on sth; single-minded
意識 qián yì shí unconscious mind; subconscious mind; subconsciousness
望鏡 qián wàng jìng periscope
水 qián shuǐ to dive; to go under water; (in an online forum) to lurk
水刀 qián shuǐ dāo dive knife
水員 qián shuǐ yuán diver; frogman
水夫病 qián shuǐ fū bìng bends
水夫症 qián shuǐ fū zhèng bends
水服 qián shuǐ fú diving suit; wetsuit
水者 qián shuǐ zhě (underwater) diver
水艇 qián shuǐ tǐng submarine
水衣 qián shuǐ yī diving suit
水裝備拖輪箱 qián shuǐ zhuāng bèi tuō lún xiāng diving bag; diving suitcase
江 qián jiāng Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city in Hubei
江市 qián jiāng shì Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city in Hubei
沒 qián mò to submerge; to subduct (of tectonic plates)
泳 qián yǒng diving; esp. skin diving
熱 qián rè latent heat
神默記 qián shén mò jì to devote oneself to a task in silence (idiom)
移 qián yí intangible changes; unnoticed transformation; changes behind the scenes
移默化 qián yí mò huà imperceptible influence; to influence secretly
育土 qián yù tǔ Gleyosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)
能 qián néng potential; hidden capability