take place, past, history


  • take place, past, history
  • old variant of 曆|历[li4]
  • old variant of 歷|历[li4]
  • calendar
  • to experience
  • to undergo
  • to pass through
  • all
  • each
  • every
  • history


zī lì qualifications; experience; seniority
yóu lì to tour; to travel
biàn lì to traverse; to travel throughout; (math.) ergodic
舊遊 chóng lì jiù yóu to revisit; to return to a previously visited spot
yuè lì to experience; experience
高學 gāo xué lì higher education record; record including Master's or Doctoral degree
史淵源 lì shǐ yuān yuán historical origins; historical background