history; calendar
历 lì |

历史 lì shǐ | history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] |
经历 jīng lì | experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through |
简历 jiǎn lì | curriculum vitae (CV); résumé; biographical notes |
日历 rì lì | calendar; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3] |
学历 xué lì | educational background; academic qualifications |
来历 lái lì | history; antecedents; origin |
历来 lì lái | always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time |
历代 lì dài | successive generations; successive dynasties; past dynasties |
农历 nóng lì | the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar |
亚历山大 yà lì shān dà | Alexander (name); Alexandria (town name) |
病历 bìng lì | medical record; case history |
历史性 lì shǐ xìng | historic |
历险 lì xiǎn | to experience adventures |
历程 lì chéng | course; process |
履历 lǚ lì | background (academic and work); curriculum vitae; résumé |
资历 zī lì | qualifications; experience; seniority |
历经 lì jīng | to experience; to go through |
历史学家 lì shǐ xué jiā | historian |
游历 yóu lì | to tour; to travel |
阅历 yuè lì | to experience; experience |
历历在目 lì lì zài mù | vivid in one's mind (idiom) |
历时 lì shí | to last; to take (time); period; diachronic |
亲历 qīn lì | personal experience |
历尽 lì jìn | to have experienced a lot of; to have been through |
来历不明 lái lì bù míng | of unknown origin |