
calendar, era


曆 lì
  • old variant of 曆|历[li4]
  • old variant of 歷|历[li4]
  • calendar
  • to experience
  • to undergo
  • to pass through
  • all
  • each
  • every
  • history


gōng lì Gregorian calendar; solar calendar
四分 sì fēn lì "quarter remainder" calendar, the first calculated Chinese calendar, dating from c. 484 BC
xià lì the traditional Chinese lunar calendar
大明 dà míng lì the 5th century Chinese calendar established by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之
nián lì calendar; diary
新政 qìng lì xīn zhèng failed reform of Northern Song government in 1043
guà lì wall calendar
xīn lì Gregorian calendar; solar calendar
rì lì calendar; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]
xīng lì astronomic calendar
年 lì nián calendar year; over the years; bygone years
書 lì shū almanac
法 lì fǎ calendar science; calendar system; variant of 曆法|历法 calendar
yuè lì monthly calendar
xiào lì school calendar
格列高利 gé liè gāo lì lì Gregorian calendar
huáng li almanac
翻老皇 fān lǎo huáng lì to look to the past for guidance (idiom)
老皇 lǎo huáng lì (lit.) past years' almanac; (fig.) ancient history; obsolete practice; old-fashioned principle
jiù lì old calendar; the Chinese lunar calendar; same as 農曆|农历[nong2 li4]
年 jiù lì nián lunar New Year
舊皇 jiù huáng li old calendar; out-of-date customs
萬年 wàn nián lì perpetual calendar; ten thousand year calendar; Islamic calendar introduced to Yuan China by Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁
wàn lì reign name of Ming emperor (1573-1619)
行事 xíng shì lì calendar; schedule
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