take place, past, history


  • take place, past, history
  • old variant of 曆|历[li4]
  • old variant of 歷|历[li4]
  • calendar
  • to experience
  • to undergo
  • to pass through
  • all
  • each
  • every
  • history


城 lì chéng Licheng district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong
城區 lì chéng qū Licheng district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong
屆 lì jiè all previous (meetings, sessions etc)
年 lì nián calendar year; over the years; bygone years
數 lì shǔ to enumerate; to count (one by one)
時 lì shí to last; to take (time); period; diachronic
朝通俗演義 lì cháo tōng sú yǎn yì Dramatized history of successive dynasties (from Han to Republican China) by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩
次 lì cì each (item in sequence); successive
可數 lì lì kě shǔ each one distinguishable
在目 lì lì zài mù vivid in one's mind (idiom)
法 lì fǎ calendar science; calendar system; variant of 曆法|历法 calendar
盡 lì jìn to have experienced a lot of; to have been through
盡滄桑 lì jìn cāng sāng to have been through the hardships of life; to have been through the mill
程 lì chéng course; process
經 lì jīng to experience; to go through
練 lì liàn to learn through experience; experience; practiced; experienced
險 lì xiǎn to experience adventures
shè lì to experience
湯姆・索亞險記 tāng mǔ ・ suǒ yà lì xiǎn jì Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]
湯姆索亞險記 tāng mǔ suǒ yà lì xiǎn jì Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
bìng lì medical record; case history
jiǎn lì curriculum vitae (CV); résumé; biographical notes
jīng lì experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through
風雨 jīng lì fēng yǔ to go through thick and thin (idiom)
qīn lì personal experience