huan huān

happy, pleased, glad; joy; enjoy

HSK 1 #685


欢 huān
  • variant of 歡|欢[huan1]
  • joyous
  • happy
  • pleased
  • hubbub
  • clamor
  • a breed of horse


欢 stroke order diagram
欢 stroke order animation


声 huān shēng cheers; cries of joy or approval
腾 huān téng jubilation; great celebration; CL:片[pian4]
合家 hé jiā huān group photo of whole family
天喜地 huān tiān xǐ dì delighted; with great joy; in high spirits
宴 huān yàn feast; celebration
金合 jīn hé huān acacia
夹道迎 jiā dào huān yíng to line the streets in welcome
娱 huān yú to amuse; to divert; happy; joyful; pleasure; amusement
悦 huān yuè happiness; joy; to be happy; to be joyous
畅 huān chàng happy; cheerful; jubilant
喜喜 huān huān xǐ xǐ happily
离合 bēi huān lí hé joys and sorrows; partings and reunions; the vicissitudes of life
蹦乱跳 huān bèng luàn tiào glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)
不受迎 bù shòu huān yíng unwelcome
jiāo huān to have cordial relations with each other; to have sexual intercourse
迎 shòu huān yíng popular; well-received
另觅新 lìng mì xīn huān to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemism for extramarital sex); a bit on the side
喜喜 xǐ xǐ huān huān happily
shī huān to lose favor; to become estranged
xún huān to seek pleasure (esp. sexual)
强颜笑 qiǎng yán huān xiào to pretend to look happy; to force oneself to smile
chéng huān to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)
把酒言 bǎ jiǔ yán huān to drink and chat merrily (idiom)
招人喜 zhāo rén xǐ huan charming; attractive; delightful
xīn huān new flame; new lover