HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 685th character |
RADICAL | ⽋ (76.2) |
INDEX # | 587 |
happy, pleased, glad; joy; enjoy
欢 huān |

喜欢 xǐ huan | to like; to be fond of |
欢迎 huān yíng | to welcome; welcome |
欢乐 huān lè | gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay |
联欢 lián huān | to have a get-together; celebration; party |
欢呼 huān hū | to cheer for; to acclaim |
狂欢 kuáng huān | party; carousal; hilarity; merriment; whoopee; to carouse |
欢笑 huān xiào | to laugh happily; a belly-laugh |
欢快 huān kuài | cheerful and lighthearted; lively |
欢喜 huān xǐ | happy; joyous; delighted; to like; to be fond of |
欢心 huān xīn | favor; liking; love; jubilation; joy |
狂欢节 kuáng huān jié | carnival |
皆大欢喜 jiē dà huān xǐ | As You Like It, comedy by Shakespeare; to everyone's delight and satisfaction |
欢庆 huān qìng | to celebrate |
寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè | pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation |
欢愉 huān yú | happy; joyous; delighted |
欢欣鼓舞 huān xīn gǔ wǔ | elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed |
欢聚一堂 huān jù yī táng | to gather happily under one roof |
不欢而散 bù huān ér sàn | to part on bad terms; (of a meeting etc) to break up in discord |
欢呼雀跃 huān hū què yuè | cheering excitedly (idiom); jubilant |
欢聚 huān jù | to get together socially; to celebrate; party; celebration |
欢度 huān dù | to merrily spend (an occasion); to celebrate |
欢送 huān sòng | to see off; to send off |
欢欣 huān xīn | elated |
欢送会 huān sòng huì | farewell party |
联欢会 lián huān huì | social gathering; party |